Use this template as suggested legal certification of name change in accordance with FAR 42.1205[a][2]. Copy and paste the language that has a gray vertical border to its left. Fill in the text that is in [brackets] with your applicable information. You can provide additional information as long as the language doesn’t conflict with the template.
[Name], Contracting Officer/Specialist
U.S. General Services Administration
[add address of contracting office]
Re: Name Change of [Previous Name] Corporation to [New Name], Contract Number: GS-XXF-XXXX or 47QXXX-XXD-XXXX.
Dear Mr./Ms. [Name of Contracting Officer/Specialist]:
I am writing to you as General Counsel for [Previous Name] Corporation, now known as [New Name] Corporation, in compliance with the requirements of FAR 42.1205[a][2] forwarded by you to XXXX of our office.
It is my legal opinion that the name change of this [Name of State] corporation from [Previous Name] Corporation to [New Name] Corporation was properly effected in compliance with the laws of the State of [Name of State], effective [Date], the date on which the [insert instrument affecting the transfer of assets] were filed with the [Name of State] Department of State’s Office under document number P0########.
I further certify that on the date of this opinion letter, this corporation is active and in good standing with the [Name of State] Department of State, Division of Corporations, and I am attaching to this letter copies of the following documents issued by the Division of Corporations:
1. Certified copy of the [insert instrument effecting the transfer of assets] filed on [Date], issued by the [Name of State] Secretary of State, changing the name of the corporation to [New Name] Corporation.
2. Certificate of Status issued by the [Name of State] Secretary of State as to [New Name] Corporation.
The originals of these documents are being submitted to your office with the formal modification request.
Legal Counsel
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